Saturday, September 11, 2010

Packing for the trip .

I've been thinking alot about what I should bring along on my trip .

I'm definitely going to buy a really nice small laptop. One that I can carry around the city and use when I stop at cafes. I want to be able to post on my blogs, check email and facebook on a daily basis. I also want to get a really great camera ! That is probably the most important item I could bring. To be able to document the 6 months with some awesome quality photos !

We will be taking french classes before we go , but I think bring a pocket language translator, will help us alot if we need it. I want to be as prepared as I can be. I hope to be as fluent in the language as possible , or at least be able to maneuver around Paris with ease.

I'm happy we will be going in August and staying through the fall. I plan to pack lightly for the 6 months. Bring warm clothes and layering alot. The weather in the fall is cool 70 degrees. The winters are cold, snow is rare and when it does come it usually melts on hitting the ground,often turning into a sludgy slush. The temps are usually around low 30 's . For me that's nothing , since I've lived in central New York most of my life. If I can make it through a central NY winter, I can deal with a little slush.

I want to get in as many outdoor sites as I can as soon as we arrive. The Monet's Garden, Eiffel tower, Arc de Triumph etc... Mainly because I want to see most of Paris with my sister. But also before the weather becomes to bad. We will have plenty of time to wander around indoors when the weather is icky.

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